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Covid-19 Update from TLC


There is much fear, concern, and misinformation concerning the Covid-19 virus. I decided it best if I communicate with you to let you know what is happening at The Lotus Center for Healing and how we are managing, given the demands, requests, and prevention as we move forward to keeping you healthy.

You may have already heard some of this information. I took the time to listen to the Press Briefing this morning (3/20) and took notes to use as needed. Heard Dr. Birx and CDC spokesman. At times they are as confused as you are about what is actually happening as far as procedure. Testing is an issue. They do not have enough test kits. Which labs are being used seems to be another topic of confusion, is it LabCorp and Sonora, or CDC, or satellite lab facilities or all of them? They also seemed to be emphatic that if you believe you have it, quarantine yourself and do not go to the hospital. So...then what?

Tonight's Phoenix Channel 15 program advises to call your Primary Care doctor. Unless you're like me, I just honker down with some good herbs, lots of soup, my needles, and my thermometer. When it's all over, I'll have natural immunity for life.

Seriously, I am concerned about my patients who are immune-compromised. You know who you are. Be extra careful right now.

1 - Precautions are being taken as a professional office to ensure your safety and aid in prevention. At this time we will remain open for care for you as you need it. If we are required by law to take a hiatus, I will let you know as soon as I am informed. This does not look likely at this time.

2 - Frequent hand washing, hand sanitizing, and other cleaning measures such as Cloroxing common areas of contact are being done (as always). I am masked while working with you.

3 - Linens are washed at correct temperatures and changed fully with each session (as always).

4 -Specific Covid-19 Chinese herbals and formula prescriptions have come from both China and the US, and been evaluated by master herbalists here and China. We have a protocol to follow with minor deviations should you need them. While ordering has slowed considerably, I fortunately have many of these raw herbs on my shelf presently.

5 - I am feverishly working to acquire capsule or tablet forms of our needed formulas. Many are back-logged as you can imagine, with a world pulling for these compounds. I receive emails each day from my suppliers who are drained.


  • HANDS Wash them often, remember to do those fingernails.

  • ELBOW Cough into it.

  • FACE Don't touch it until you have thoroughly washed your hands at home.

  • FEET Stay more than 6ft apart from those near you.

  • FEEL sick? Stay home. While I would love to be able to reach out and treat you should you become ill, I cannot right now.

7 - If you cannot come to the office or choose to not come in person, please inquire about phone consultations in lieu of your in-person appointment. These visits are charged according to consultation visits. Program patients are exempt from this charge.

8 - This is a virus. It will create high temperatures because the body is trying to kill the pathogen. Virus fevers are characteristically high. While this temperature can become quite high creating dehydration and even some cell death, it can be a beneficial thing.

9 - The primary goal of our medicine here, is to destroy the pathogen, and rid the toxins that are left. Rebuild immunity. This protocol calls for intense lung herbals, phlegm disbursing, and purging of toxins not thru the skin, but thru stool and urine. Different mode of treatment this time.

10 - Last but not least - KEEP YOUR IMMUNITY UP!

* Come in for immunity boosting sessions! I have specific points to use for this right now. Also have Herbals to specifically aid and support immunity. Come get them and use them!

* Get enough sleep. Ignore news unless you have to watch it. Keeping your stress level down will support your immunity. Let your adrenals relax.

* Listen to music, read, spend time with your kids, your dogs. Turn off your brain. Take walks. Meditate. HUGE for me right now since I am inundated with so much and keeping you well.

* Eat well. Avoid processed sugars, alcohol, and fatty foods. Fast foods are totally forbidden. Fresh fruits, juices without sugar, citrus is in season, use it.

* Dress appropriately. Turn off your fans overhead while you are sleeping, makes wind and that weakens immune system.

I will keep you informed as I hear what is actually happening, whether it is confusion or fact. I am convinced politicians are not the people who should be advising you. We have all been thru viruses and pathogens before, we will get thru this one too. This one seems to have pulled some interesting strings to get an insane amount of attention, and I am asking you seriously to not freak out. You are going to live!

Keep in touch, I am here when you need me. Let me know if you need to come in, get an immunity charge, take home some herbals, receive auriculotherapy immune points to take home in a treatment.

Until later then, be well.

Dr. Susanne Davis

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